
Tuesday 24 January 2017

The first Time

I remember the first day I got my first bicycle.
Within an hour or so I was happily riding along the road in front of our house. Alas, a car came up behind me, blew the horn, and I fell over. Scared the driver as much as me. The good news is he stopped and waited for me to get up and out of the way.
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
I like to share things that will help you find your Art of Fulfillment.
If you don’t write your goals down, if you don’t do a Vision Board, if you don’t take time and meditate on what you want, it’s harder to move forward.
There’s a new way of thinking about being happy and fulfilled. It is for you to think about and visualize an experience you would like to have.
Everyone of us has everything we need inside of us to be great.
So do what you need to do?
I would like you to think about significant emotional events that have happened to you in the past. It’s the events that have happened in your life that changed you. For example, from the time of that first mishap on the bike, I never again had any bicycle accidents - and I rode many miles - both on country highways and city streets - between the time I was about 10 until I was 16 and got my driver's license.
I want you to think about some of your first experiences that you’ve had in your life, and you’ll realize that it was a thought first before you did it.
One was probably your first day of school. Mine is still vivid.
Some might not be able to think back that far.
There was your first step.
Your first word.
It’s based around the fact that we get excited and focused in visualizing the first time.
How about when you visualized you going to high school?
The first time you drove a car.
The first time you rode on a plane.
The first time you saw the ocean.
I remember every one of those vividly.
It all starts with the level part of your mind where we don’t know what we don’t know.
It’s not even a thought and then one day you’re riding in the car with your parents and it hits you, I want to drive, you see everyone else able to drive, so you then set a goal of a new experience for yourself.
You will not move forward in life, without you having something to look forward to.
So think about your life and the things you want to do.
Remember your first job - and the first days on that job?
Mine was selling termite control treatments to homeowners. I was hired, but not given much training. I was a green country kid. 
When I made my first sale, I made so many mistakes that I had to go back to the customer SEVEN times before I got all the paperwork correct!
But I grew from there.
Can you relate to these thoughts?
The uncomfortable things you do and the fear you go through when you go on your first date, that first kiss!
It’s crazy how we can set our expectations and be excited in looking and moving forward to something that we want to experience for the first time.
The first time you took a trip out of your city, out of the state, and especially out of the country.
The first time you swam, your first vacation, your first road trip.
You may or may not have had some of those firsts. However, we each have our own firsts.
The individuals that live and love the most are always working on having many firsts.
Their first experiences.
Some of the events and experiences can be hurtful, tragic, emotionally scaring.
Some can be from blessing to blessing.
Miracle to miracle.
Victory to victory.
Related to this - and how to get to where you want to be - is the plan Jerry Seinfeld had. Seinfeld wrote about his process for learning stand-up comedy that has really helped many people create "healthy habits".
Basically, Jerry would put a calendar on the wall, and then every day that he worked on his joke writing and his routine for at least 3 hours, he would put a big, red X on the calendar.
So after a few days the big red X'sstarted to add up and when he saw thebig X's on his calendar, it made him want to keep it up.
He didn't want to "break the chain" when it came to the big red x's.
It's a simple idea, but one that's very powerful.  Why?
Because whenever you're trying to do anything to improve your health - or improve any other area of your life - it's really all about habits.
Let's say you want to start walking for 30 minutes each day.
The easiest way for this to happen is that your 30 minute walk needs to become a ROUTINE part of your day.
Just like showering, eating and brushing your teeth is.
And once it becomes a habit, you're good to go.
You won't feel any reason to bail out on it.
I've found that this works for exercising, as well as things like eating better, or even getting more sleep.
Whatever you're trying to do, the key is creating the MOMENTUM you need to keep it going.
And that means taking it one day at a time.
You can't cram 60 days of exercise into one day.
It's something you have to approach each and every day.  
Like I said, this is one of those simple ideas that can make a BIG difference.
Sooo, two things to do:
1. Think about the "new experience(s)" you want to have. Make notes and reminders to help cause it to happen.
2. Develop your ROUTINE that helps you build the MOMENTUM to get there.  
You CAN accomplish what you want. You CAN become the person you want to be.
Just do it! ....... Starting today.
James Sloan

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